I know. I can’t bear it either. I can’t understand it. 2 impeachments. 1 conviction. 34 felony counts. And he’s president. AGAIN.
I am so angry at what this means for women, for Ukraine, for non-cis people, for the Latinos, for the middle east. And so many more, and so many that I won’t have even thought of. And I’m so angry that actually, perhaps it was inevitable. If Brexit taught us anything it was that the polls get it wrong.
So I sit here in my pit of gloom, feeling wretched. And I want a quick fix. And I want to dull my feelings. But that won’t help me. So instead, I’m doing some small things that might help someone. I’ve made a payment to a woman’s crisis centre. I’ve arranged some outdoor volunteering work. I’ve made my kids their favourite dinner. I’ve been for a walk, and sweated out some anger in the gym. I’ve hugged the dog. I can’t change this fucked up world but I can make sure I get enough sleep tonight. I can eat nourishing foods (NB this includes Hobnobs) that make me feel good instead of lethargic and bloated. I can check in on my American friends, both here and stateside, and I can send my love. I can call my girlfriends, who are frightened and fucked off, and I can connect with them. I can smile at a stranger and pick up an abandoned drinks can on the pavement. I can donate books to the kids’ school, and I can read my beautiful boys an extra story tonight.
Look after yourself. Look at what you can control, not what you can’t. Do things that make you feel good, and keep your family safe, sane and warm. The only way to cope is to be strong, and the only way to be strong is to look after yourself. Alcohol isn’t the answer - don’t add a known depressant and anxiety driver to this misery mix. Look closer to home, mute the news, and find the light, wherever it may be.